Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I find it really amazing that I could have such a great class and feel so full and complete then get home an let it all slip away from me. What I am learning is to make or take time. I get up and get going and don't stop until I go to bed. When I get going in the morning I think to myself, I will just do this one thing and then I will practice. That turns into another thing and then another. We just jumped into being parents to a teenager and that has turned my world upside down. I keep waiting for this "thing" or that "thing" to pass and then I will make time. What I know is that there will always be a "thing" going on. It won't pass I will make the time to do what I need. I will make that time first and the other "things" will fit in when and where they can.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Class was amazing. My vessel is full and I love it. I feel like I had some real understanding about the Bodhi Flow and truly a deeper understanding for the word practice. I think that practice is one of those words that I have seen as bad, or hard or maybe "practice makes perfect"... that was never one of my favorite sayings. Now I see it as practice is life. Each day as we go and do we are practicing something, why not make it something we love. This idea has really helped me to see things in a different light. Today as I started my yoga practice, it was my own for the first time. I created something that was just for me. I worked my edges and went at my pace, it was beautiful.