Oh meditation how you taunt me :) I have been working on joining the wave meditation found here. The times that I do it my day is so wonderful. If only I could keep my focus. As I started my meditation today I had trouble doing more that just focusing on my breath which still works and is great but I am still looking for more. I took today's meditation mantra which is.. "I choose today to follow my breath on the stream of life, with which I share now, inhaling and exhaling, in this moment, with all beings everywhere."
Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
and read through this several times. I really started to feel something wonderful when my family started to get up and going. I felt a little upset because I wanted to keep going. Then I had an idea to hopefully help my concentration for this evening. I will go through my day and focus on my breath with this mantra. I will choose to see the world as one which I share with others. I will be conscious of all who share in the stream of life.